Sales Funnel Stage One

Targeting Form


Step One: Define the Three Targets

Submit three ten-page requests of contacts for us to add


Step Two: Define 300-Character Messages for Each Target


Example #1

Shared Interests Approach


Hello {FirstName}

I noticed that you are an expert in CSR. I’m in the process of writing a LinkedIn article about the subject. I would really like to interview you if you have five minutes to spare.

Best regards,



Example #2

The “Yes Question” Approach

The email contains one “Yes Question” that will ensure a positive response.

The following is an example based on making contact with someone who sells products to Chinese buyers.  In this case, your experience could be helpful in engaging with the Chinese clientele.


Hello {FirstName}

I have taken a look at your profile and I am interested in speaking with you, particularly about the Chinese clientele you’re interested in serving.

Best regards,



Example #3

Email in which we concentrate on what our networks have in common


Hello {FirstName}

I wanted to contact you seeing as though we both belong to the network of Former X. I think that there is a possibility for collaboration between us.

Best regards,



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